User surveys as an effective tool for connecting with customers
One way to find out how consumers feel about a company and its products is through user surveys. They allow you to get first-hand information, and on this basis to make a plan for further business development. However, for the result of surveys to be useful to the company, it is necessary to formulate them correctly.
For different types of businesses, it is important to find your own unique approach. For example, for a cosmetics store, it is important to know what category of products customers are most interested in, what kind of cosmetics they prefer and why. At the same time, such surveys are not emailed to all users, but only to a loyal audience that can answer all the questions. To make things easier, customers are offered several options from which they can choose the best answer. In addition, the survey has a free field where you can express your opinion, different from the standard blanks.
Such letters allow you to get feedback and see the company’s key benefits that appeal to most consumers. However, each response should be processed manually – this will increase the accuracy of the analysis. And it is important to take into account not only positive but also negative feedback.

It is essential that the customer is interested in leaving a response. To do this, many stores offer bonuses or send a survey form immediately after a purchase is made. The main goal here is to understand how satisfied the user was with the service, what he did not like, or what needs to be improved from his point of view.
One of the key features of such letters should be personalization. The text of the survey should interest the consumer, and for this too, you can ask customers for advice. Ask them what information would be interesting for them, and what new sections or products should appear on the site. In this way, you can divide users into those who want to keep in touch with the company, and passive users who won’t participate in surveys.
It is important to maintain communication with clients at all stages, for example, after placing an order or contacting the support service. And the user is given the opportunity to express their opinion on how much the consultants’ advice helped to solve the problem, and whether appealing to them was useful.
Here it is necessary to pay attention to the text of such a letter so that it would be as concise as possible and at the same time encourage customers to share their impressions. An excellent solution is an emotional “voice of the brand” letter to encourage customers to take part in the survey, which brings the company and its customers closer together and builds trust.
You should consider all responses and ratings when analyzing your surveys, but a negative review without an explanation will not be good for your company. It lacks information that can improve service and help the business.