Written by 11:00 Project management

Who is a project manager: the duties of a specialist in a marketing agency

a project manager

What qualities a project manager should have

The success of a business largely depends on how smoothly its team works and how the processes within the company are set up. For this, there is a project manager, who organizes the activities of the team, controls deadlines, and communicates with clients. 
This position is in demand in various areas of business, from manufacturing industries to the financial sector. However, a project manager is considered the most relevant in the service and management segment.  According to a review of the labor market, about 60% of vacancies for this position are in this field, which, among other things, includes marketing agencies. For the latter, a project manager is an indispensable specialist who enables the closing of many tasks.
A full-service marketing agency is a fairly complex structure that includes a large number of specialists and an extensive client base. The intermediary between these parties is the project manager. His direct responsibilities include communicating with the client and making sure that all tasks are completed on time and in accordance with the brief.
The manager’s standard tasks include:
– interaction with clients to clarify the details of the project and its specifics;
– agreeing on the scope of work and monitoring its implementation;
– drawing up a calendar of tasks and estimates for the order;
– holding meetings with the team, regular communications with clients;
– distribution of responsibilities among team members;
– checking of prepared materials;
– project delivery.

What a project manager does

It is important for a manager to understand their team, their needs, and their difficulties. The better they can build relationships, the more organized the work will be. In addition, by regularly communicating with specialists, mistakes and delays can be avoided.
A project manager needs to understand the basics of the different processes in order to be able to explain the task to one or another specialist. For example, he will have to interact with developers, designers, SEO specialists, and other employees. In addition, the manager will often need to bring in outside contractors or freelancers to handle the task. 
The manager must understand what the client wants to get out of the project and direct the team’s activities in the right direction. Therefore, such a specialist should have an understanding of the technical part of the task in order to properly communicate it to the executors and control the execution. 
An important quality for a project manager is his ability to find a common language with different people, to establish communication. Such a specialist should become a leader for the team, and gain its respect, otherwise, they will not be able to interact productively and quickly solve arising issues. Unfortunately, in the process of work, it is not always possible to avoid conflict situations, and in this case, the project manager must take responsibility and resolve the misunderstanding as peacefully as possible.

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