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Parser as an option to attract customers

parser for email marketing

Parser for email marketing: a review of programs 

Email marketing remains an effective tool for attracting customers, but successful results will only be achieved if subscribers from the base are included in the target audience. A mailing list can be created using various methods, for example, the contact information of the website users or data from orders placed in the online store. In addition, the database can be collected using a parser, a special program, and a bot.
Such software analyzes a variety of sites and retrieves personal customer data from them, such as email addresses, names, and others. Thanks to the parser, the process of forming a database for mailing takes a minimum amount of time. The program finds the necessary information, by studying thousands of pages of sites on various topics.
In spite of these advantages, the parser also has a number of drawbacks, which should be considered when using this method of data collection: 
1. Often sending emails to the addresses received ends up in spam – and it is no longer possible to make contact with a potential client. 
2. The program only analyzes and provides contacts, without checking their relevance and correctness. 
3. There is no way to check each address to see if it belongs to the person in the target audience.
4. Sending emails to an address without the consent of its owner is considered illegal. And in case the user goes to court, the company faces a serious fine.


However, despite the disadvantages, the parser is still a popular option for replenishing the mailing list. The speed of processing speaks in favor of such programs. With manual analysis, a person would have to spend a huge amount of time double-checking many sites. In this case, the program does everything automatically and relatively quickly, depending on the complexity of the task.
There are many services for the implementation of parsing, among them, there are both paid and free. An example of the latter is the program Email Extractor. In this case, you compose the desired text for mailing, up to 100 thousand characters, inserted it into the service, and do everything else he will do independently.
You can use Hunter – a special extension for parsing, which is installed in various browsers. The service allows you to get extended information, such as links to user profiles on social networks or phone numbers. 
Unfortunately, the speed and quantity of email addresses obtained with the help of a parser do not mean their quality. That is why you should not expect a significant increase in your client base when using such programs. Rather, in this case, you should count on a small number of positive results when sending a large number of emails.

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