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Marketing kit as an effective tool to promote a personal brand

marketing kit

How to make a working marketing kit: recommendations

A marketing kit is a set of materials that describes brand benefits, features, history, and other details that will help familiarize you with the business. It is known to specialists primarily as an element for creating a corporate brand, but the tool also does an excellent job of creating a personal one.
In the case of creating a personal image, the materials included in the marketing kit should have a cover, in this case, a photo of the person directly, with his name and surname. It is important to pay attention to the photo; it is better to have a separate photo shoot, which will meet the style of the materials, the person himself, and the sphere of his activity. After the audience has seen the person in question, it is a good idea to address the readers. This can be a few words, framed in direct speech, containing a description of what the person does, and her attitude towards the activity. You should not use dry and trite phrases, the purpose of the marketing kit is to interest people, to demonstrate all your benefits. 
A separate component of the material should be a resume. Here, it is important to write it correctly, concisely, and clearly, without unnecessary details. It should contain data on education, professional experience, skills, achievements, the number of successfully completed projects, and other details that the potential client needs. And you don’t need to make a huge list that no one wants to read to the end. It’s better to briefly introduce the most striking cases that will interest the reader.

marketing kit for personal brand

The next block of the marketing kit – is the USP. In the selling proposition, you should tell about those features that make you and your business stand out among the competitors. And you don’t have to do it in contrast to the failures of others. It is important to present your strengths rather than pointing out the weaknesses of others. In this case, you need to keep the golden mean between modesty and bragging. It is better to confirm the words with figures, real successes, and concrete examples. 
In addition to textual design, you shouldn’t forget about visuals. You can supplement the marketing kit with photos of your activities, and highlights of the development of your personal brand, such as receiving a diploma after the next training, implementation of a project, and creating products.
In this case, you should clearly indicate what services you provide, and what you do in detail. For example, if you’re a photographer – then it’s better to list all the styles in which you shoot, backing them up with works. After reading the material, the reader should clearly understand what is being offered and understand how they can apply your skills to their own tasks. 
It is recommended to conclude the marketing kit with testimonials and real ones from real people. Don’t forget to also include contact information – links to social networks, work pages, and other forms of communication.

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