Marketing director: how to increase the effectiveness of his work
In the last few years, the position of marketing director has been considered ineffective. Many world-renowned companies have abolished such a position, claiming that it does not contribute enough to business development. Researchers decided to find out how relevant a marketing director is to modern business, and it turned out that his contribution to development is quite significant.
The team of experts interviewed 41 people who hold this position in large international companies in order to find out what problems they face in their position. One of the main difficulties of directors was the insufficient level of independence in managerial activity. Researchers then analyzed the situation in 297 corporations during 2007-2016. Sales volumes in different countries and presence on several continents were taken into account. It turned out that the successful globalization of business processes largely depended on how much right in this direction marketing directors have.

Experts identified three sectors where the freedom to operate for this position proved to be important. First, in companies that have achieved good results, the director could make strategic decisions. In this case, people in such a position formed relationships with international clients and developed a strategy for winning new markets.
The second sector is the ability to influence operational decisions. For example, a marketing director could choose a channel to communicate with a client, create a personalized plan for clients, etc.
The third factor where this position has proven to be effective is in financial decisions. The marketing director was able to allocate investments to various activities.
The study found that the effectiveness of this employee depended on whether or not he or she had rights in the areas of influence listed. The ability to make decisions in strategic and financial matters allows the director to increase sales in various segments, which is directly related to an increase in the company’s revenue. Through participation in the operational affairs of the business, the manager scales operations into new markets.
According to the study, its authors point out that the increase in sales and successful entry into foreign segments depends on the role played by the director of marketing in making such decisions, and whether there is such a position in the company as a whole. In simple words – showing the effectiveness of this person can increase his rights in the affairs of the business.
However, many firms, on the contrary, limit the director in taking important decisions. As a result, his activity does not bring results, and the person is dismissed, and the other person takes his place, but with the same restrictions. It is necessary to make changes in such a format of cooperation and let the marketing director prove himself.