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LinkedIn Live as an effective business tool

LinkedIn Live marketing

Features of using the LinkedIn Live tool

Advertising on the LinkedIn platform shows excellent results, mainly due to the high level of user engagement. In addition, social networks offer several tools for implementing a marketing strategy. One of these is LinkedIn Live, which can help you attract the attention of potential customers. However, to achieve your goals, there are some essential things to keep in mind when using this feature.

LinkedIn Live helps you create interesting online meetings, gather experts, and communicate with your audience. However, using this tool can be fraught with difficulties that reduce its effectiveness. There are a number of rules to follow, including the following:

  • the service is available to accounts with 150 or more subscribers;
  • the page must be more than one month old;
  • the account must not violate the rules of the social network.

You should also pay attention to the location. The tool is only available in some regions, so take this into consideration.

LinkedIn Live

How to choose a topic

Topic choice is key to an online event’s success. Experts advise focusing on broad topics that will be of interest to a large number of users. This increases the chances of attracting a diverse group of participants. Make a list of topics that are relevant to different businesses, regardless of their niche.  These could be discussions about the challenges faced by new businesses or brand development issues. Discussions about team management or how to motivate employees are always interesting. 

When choosing a topic, it is important to focus on the initial goals of hosting LinkedIn Live. If the goal is to attract potential clients, discuss topics that are relevant to them. In this case, the number of views may be low, but audience engagement will be higher. As a result, the event will result in new customers.

In addition to the topic’s relevance, it is important that the information is useful and interesting to the participants. In this case, practical advice, personal experiences, examples from life, and professional activities work well.

Why it is important to plan a meeting in advance

After choosing the topic and key aspects, it is necessary to set a date and time for the event. Spontaneous presentations are ineffective, so the meeting should be planned in advance. This will allow you to prepare well and promote the upcoming event. The optimal promotion period is 2-3 months. During this time, you can attract experts from different fields, which will diversify the coverage. And the participants themselves can plan to attend the broadcast.

The length of the event depends on the format. For example, a webinar lasts about 60 minutes, while a discussion will take longer. However, you do not want to drag out the broadcast, or the audience may get tired and leave the meeting.

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