New global media trends dictate their own rules
The pandemic and lockdown have accelerated the spread of digitalization, which has led to changes in marketing approaches. Analysts from various agencies conducted a large-scale study to find out which global media trends have the greatest impact on the market.
The first trend experts pointed out was omnichannel. This approach is a combination of several channels of communication with consumers in a single mechanism of relations between the audience and the brand. A vivid example of omnichannel is the ability to purchase goods in a physical store and online. This way the manufacturer increases profits, and customers get different options of interaction with the company, choosing the most convenient for themselves.
The second global media trend can be considered shoppable content, which greatly simplifies the online purchase procedure. The main impetus for its spread was the increase in demand for online purchase of food products. This group of goods became popular during the lockdown period, and people got used to buying everything they needed via online stores. And in this case, there was a need for suppliers to speed up delivery, and with it the whole chain of interaction with consumers. Gradually, food products were followed by other goods, the possibility of ordering and delivery of which has greatly accelerated. Modern technology also contributes to this. AI-recognition of pictures in the YouTube service, which allows you to identify products in videos in order to recommend them in the future, is now actively used.

The next trend of the modern market is direct-to-avatar sales models. Nowadays, online games are not just a way to have fun, they are entire virtual worlds and meta universes. In order to make staying in such an environment as convenient and diverse as possible, companies provide users with a variety of tools for integration. Thanks to this, a virtual economy is developing, where direct-to-consumer is used instead of the usual direct-to-avatar model. The avatar’s needs are different from the users’ needs, which means that a unique offer must be provided for the character, which will allow it to stay in the meta universe as much as possible.
NFT is a media trend that is growing rapidly. In just six months, it has grown from $13.7 million to $2.5 billion. The technology is being actively used by artists and designers, and it’s being used by well-known brands. NFT removes questions about the authenticity of content or its authorship.
The pandemic forced people to leave their offices and switch to a remote format of work and work communication. And if initially it caused discontent and difficulties, now companies and employees have fully adapted. Many people refuse to return to the offices, and work performance has not fallen. However, not all business owners are ready to completely move to a remote location and are trying their best to get people back to the stationary workplace. Despite this, the trend of working from home will continue for a long time.