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Overview of the benefits of CRM-system for logistics activities


CRM-system as a useful tool for logistics companies

Digitalization makes it easier to do business in many areas, including logistics. The most popular system for organizing processes is CRM. It is a special software, which optimizes the company’s activities, structures all the data and provides interaction between departments and customers.
CRM controls the performance of tasks, automates a number of important processes. Thanks to the system, you can monitor the progress of goods delivery, the program itself makes the most convenient route, provides analytics and much more. The use of such software gives an opportunity to improve activities and bring them to a new level. Its functionality allows accelerated processing of orders, and the manager sees complete information on each client. Receiving the request, the system automatically saves it, regardless of which channel of communication it came from.
Information on the status of the request is available in the CRM, you can view its history, all the documents associated with it and other important data.
Automated system makes it possible to carry out several logistic operations at the same time, which is impossible to be done qualitatively by one person. The functionality is designed to create different tasks and build algorithms for their execution, which greatly increases the productivity of the company. Reminders are set up in the program, so you can control every stage of the work. 


Another advantage of using CRM is the availability of tools for analytics. And it is possible to conduct a cross-section on various parameters, including the quality of work of each employee. The software processes various data, reduces it to the necessary indicator, and displays it all in a clear graph. 
The efficiency of employees can be measured by several parameters, such as the speed of processing an order, the number of closed tasks, or the quality of customer service in a phone call. Thanks to this data the manager sees the real picture of the team’s work and on the basis of this can make a decision on dismissal, promotion or granting a bonus. Analytics is an excellent tool for forecasting activities, planning budgets and correcting mistakes.
It should be noted that the functionality of CRM can be different, depending on what tasks the logistics company sets. In most cases, the tools are selected individually for each case, which allows you to fine-tune the system to the specifics of the business. However, there is a basic version, which includes the formation of a single customer database, functionality for applications, transportation and route management. Also the basic version includes tools for the sale of the company’s services and analytics. This set of tools is quite extensive, so many companies do not resort to developing a version for their business, but use the universal version.

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