Where to start in business reorganization: the main mechanisms of the process
The remote format of work was a real salvation during the lockdowns, but with the gradual return of the world to normal life, the question of changes in professional activity arose. It is not only a question of employees going into the office, but also of reviewing standard processes in order to optimize them. Business reorganization in this case will be carried out at different levels, and one of the important roles in it is played by automation.
Bain & Company conducted a study which involved 300 major companies from various market sectors. On the basis of the results it was identified six ways which are used to successfully reorganize business processes.
The first place to start is to analyze human resources for their effectiveness in the structure of the company. According to the research only 5% of functional positions allow implementing the strategy and achieving the goals. But it does not mean that the rest of the personnel should be fired. In this case it is necessary to highlight the most important employees for the company, and optimize their work through automation. A striking example is the Australian natural gas producer. Back in 2011, the corporation carried out a reorganization, during which the experience of qualified engineers was supplemented with digital technologies. This allowed specialists to make decisions much faster, relying not only on their own analytics and acquired knowledge, but also on machine calculations based on artificial intelligence technology. This enabled the company not only to increase efficiency, but also to respond to difficulties in a timely manner.

The second important step for business modernization is to analyze the standard approaches to doing business that are used in the company. Some of them will work well now, but others may no longer be applicable to today’s realities. Accordingly, the requirements for employees will also change, and now they should be expected to have other skills and find non-standard solutions. For example, during the pandemic customer focus came to the fore, and now in order for the company to be competitive, it is necessary to be closer to its customers, using methods of personalization. At the same time, employees will have new responsibilities, which will allow them to develop this direction.
We shouldn’t forget about the managers, who also need to gain new knowledge. First of all, it concerns the ability to use a technological approach in their work. Bain & Company noted that with the right training of employees and top managers can save on the creation of 60% of new employees. Again, it will be more profitable to train everyone willing to do so than to fire old colleagues and rehire.
Personnel management must also change, and with it the motivational strategy. Analytics will allow identifying the best employees and rewarding them, eliminating moments of personal sympathy.