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Robots from Ronavi Robotics now perform processes at the PEC warehouse

Ronavi Robotics

PEC tests Ronavi Robotics robots in its warehouses

PEC is implementing a new program for optimizing warehouse operations with the help of robots developed by Ronavi Robotics. The devices were tested for 1 month at the PEC warehouse center on the outskirts of Moscow. The main function of the robots was to move cargo between the areas of the room, including the area for the delivery of goods to customers.
The standard procedure consists of the following steps. The client arrives at the pick-up point, and the operator sends the information about the order to the WMS-system. The latter informs the necessary employee who is in the storage area. He finds a cell where the shipment is stored and sends it to the pickup. The employee spends about 30% of his working time on the parcel picking process. At the same time, moving goods between storage areas takes 70%. Therefore, PEC specialists decided to check whether it was possible to automate standard warehouse processes and thereby increase work efficiency.
The H-1500 model from Ronavi Robotics is a robot platform designed for logistics operations. Such devices can transport goods inside warehouses, the size of which does not exceed 1 pallet, and can weigh up to 1500 kg. For the movement of the robot a special marking is applied, its direction can be any, but it does not require turning of the body. 

The H-1500 can function about 90% of the time a day, it takes 18 minutes to fully charge. At the same time, a person works for 8 or 12 hours, taking breaks, and in order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the warehouse, several shifts need to be arranged. Such a process requires additional costs, but if robots are used, then it is possible to reduce costs and increase efficiency by about 70%.
The Ronavi device has a fully automated system for carrying out actions. The functionality also includes manual control by means of a tablet, which is integrated into the RMS program in the WMS system. This allows you to allocate tasks correctly and, when necessary, forecast the placement of goods in the warehouse.
Initially, the robots functioned under the full control of a person, but in the future the actions of these devices will be fully automated. Employees, on the other hand, can perform other tasks, thereby increasing their own efficiency. In this way, PEC executives plan to optimize and improve logistics processes within the warehouse, and the H-1500 is ideally suited for this. This model works perfectly in hubs, which are characterized by long and repetitive routes. Robots have proven to be excellent in routine processes that require repetition. These machines do a better job than humans, also due to the absence of errors and speed of execution.

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