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MAWANI plans to take Saudi Arabia’s shipping sector to the next level


MAWANI is actively developing port infrastructure

The Saudi Arabian Ports Authority, aka MAWANI, reached a new level of development last year. Thanks to it, the shipping sector in the country has shown excellent results, and once again demonstrated that the Arabs play an important role in the maritime transport market.
Not so long ago representatives of the Kingdom announced a new goal – to reach the level of world logistics centers, to connect three continents, and ensure continuous cargo flow.
Despite the rather ambitious task, MAWANI has already demonstrated great success in this direction. Over the past year, Saudi Arabia has risen to 16th place in a ranking that assesses the volume of cargo coming in and going out of ports. The list includes the kingdom’s three largest ports. In addition, Saudi Arabia became the 5th country in the world with the fastest ship service. Thus, for the first time in its history, the Kingdom was able to enter the top 10 of the best ports. 
It should also be noted that the experts upgraded the country’s rating to 70.68 on the level of development of the liner shipping sector. This allowed the Saudis to take a leading position in their region. 

The Saudi MAWANI

MAWANI operates in two directions. The Authority systematically implements the phases of the transport and logistics strategy and implements various programs to follow sustainable principles in the development of the shipping segment. This comprehensive approach includes the modernization of local ports, increasing their attractiveness for investment inflows, as well as measures to improve the economy.
MAWANI has signed a contract with the major transport company Maersk, which involves the allocation of 500 million Saudi riyals. The funds will be used to build a modern logistics area in the port of Jeddah. This facility is expected to be the largest in the region and will have innovative solutions for the integration of all processes. In addition, DP World is already implementing a container terminal project in the port of Jeddah, the cost of the first phase is 3 billion Saudi Riyals.
Last year, MAWANI opened 4 new routes from different ports in the Kingdom, which are connected to major terminals in China, Europe, and the Indian Ocean. In addition, the management is also focused on improving the quality of its logistics services. For example, it has entered into an agreement with Hapag-Lloyd aimed at speeding up cargo handling processes. All Saudi Arabian ports are expected to implement modern solutions that will reduce container acceptance and dispatch times.
MAWANI has implemented 32 projects related to infrastructure improvements, including the expansion and construction of berths. 

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