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Hyundai Mobis expands production of hydrogen fuel cells

Hyundai Mobis

Hyundai Mobis strategy to promote the use of hydrogen

Hyundai Mobis plans to invest in hydrogen fuel cell production. More than $2 billion will be allocated for the construction of three plants in Korea.
The management of Hyundai Mobis has solemnly launched the works in Incheon. The company plans to build a total of three plants, for two of them it has allocated 1.1 billion dollars. These plants are scheduled to be commissioned and start production in 2023. In time, they should reach their maximum capacity, which will amount to about 100 thousand hydrogen fuel cells annually.
Hyundai Mobis has long been engaged in the development of environmentally friendly vehicles. In 2018, the company launched a plant in Chungju, Korea, that produces a complete system for a hydrogen-powered vehicle, from the fuel cell battery to the electronic components. The plant was the first in the world to provide a complete eco-friendly transportation solution. The plant produces more than 23,000 hydrogen systems annually.
Representatives of Hyundai Mobis say they see great potential in this area, which motivates large-scale investments. The company has decided to focus on upgrading equipment and studying the possibilities of using hydrogen. In addition, the manufacturer has established a research and development center where new technologies and solutions for the ecosystem based on this substance are being developed. 

Hyundai Mobis is investing

Hyundai Mobis is not limiting itself solely to automobiles, but plans to eventually enter other markets, such as hydrogen-equipped construction machinery and logistics equipment.
The Korean company wants to popularize the field of hydrogen energy and for this purpose has presented a comprehensive strategy. As part of the latter, the manufacturer plans to equip its commercial vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells by 2028. Hyundai Mobis is developing a new system to achieve this goal. In addition, the company wants to reduce the price of hydrogen vehicles to the cost of electric cars. The manufacturer already produces trucks and buses that run on hydrogen cells.
It should be noted that the use of hydrogen for vehicles is not as popular among automakers as electric cars. However, after increasing demands regarding emission reductions, corporations such as BMW, Toyota Motor and Daimler have turned their attention to this direction. As a result, Hyundai is actively expanding its presence in the sector in order to maintain its position as a leader and present an effective solution to customers. 
In addition, the Korean company believes in the possibility of using hydrogen in almost all spheres of life, including for powering homes and production facilities.

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