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WBA: Fossil fuels still play a key role in transportation operations

fossil fuels

WBA: Most transport companies actively use fossil fuels

The WBA Alliance conducted a survey among the participants of the transport segment regarding their implementation of the climate strategy. According to the document, only 7% of companies have developed a plan and clearly follow it in order to remove fossil fuels from use. At the same time, 85% of market participants do not have low-carbon vehicles in operation. 
WBA presented a large-scale study that shows the share of the transport sector in total energy consumption. According to the document, 90 companies were selected, among which:
– 25 representatives of the air transportation business;
– 17 shipping transport operators;
– 9 railroad companies;
– 6 companies providing road transportation services;
– 33 multimodal operators.
The designated companies were ranked on how much emissions they produced. In addition, representatives of the transport sector were evaluated on such factors as the implementation of the decarbonization plan and the process of switching to green energy sources. The association analyzed each company’s performance in achieving the Paris Agreement. According to the latter, the global community should slow the rate of global warming and accelerate the transition to the use of low- or zero-carbon resources.

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The global market is now attaching great importance to the environmental component, and this is felt not only in increased investment in renewable energy but also in the emergence of new solutions for various areas of business that reduce harmful emissions. However, not all companies are ready to abandon established processes and invest in the modernization of the fleet. 94% of companies are not seriously considering converting their vehicles to low-carbon raw materials. They don’t study current research or look for options to make the transition as painless as possible. The study found that only a handful of transportation companies are taking serious steps to reduce emissions and are using their credibility in the marketplace to push for climate improvement projects. 
According to the study, the total workforce of the selected 90 companies is 9.6 million people. However, of that number, only 43% of businesses confirmed that they follow employee health and safety regulations. Only 3 companies conduct clear research and provide information on the health of their employees. 
The WBA singled out only one company, Maersk, as a shining example of adherence to climate principles. It not only takes decisive steps to reduce carbon dependence but also works closely with various trade communities toward the transition to green raw materials. In addition, Maersk management regularly makes sure that each business unit implements the climate strategy steps outlined earlier.

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