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FM Logistic demonstrated growth in 2020

FM Logistic

FM Logistic has improved its business results

Russian transport company FM Logistic has summed up the results of last year. Despite the difficult period for the whole world, the operator recorded an increase in indicators. Compared with 2019, the number of requests for delivery of goods increased by 54% and amounted to 509 thousand.
For several years, the most popular service among customers has been road transport, they occupy a share of 90% of the total number of shipments. All in all 3 million pallets and 400 thousand boxes of different sizes were transported by trucks, which is more than 30% more than in the previous period.
Most often FM Logistic customers preferred to deliver groupage cargo in small parcels. This is evidenced by the growth of such requests by 20%. The reasons for this trend analysts call the changes in the policy of the network consignees. The minimum number of delivery items has decreased, while the frequency of orders continues to increase. In addition, inter-regional FTL-transportation and product delivery within the city are popular.
As before, the first place in demand in the nomenclature of transported goods belongs to food products. They occupy a share of 46% of all shipments, and in 2020 showed an increase of 1.5 times. In addition to this category of goods, customers most often ordered delivery of non-food products – they have a share of 41% of the total figures. Also a high percentage of shipments of alcoholic beverages – 9%. Goods that belong to the fashion category became less popular compared to 2019. In this case, the negative impact was caused by the closure of shopping centers, and a decrease in demand for such products due to quarantine restrictions.

The total number of domestic routes used by FM Logistic specialists was 240. The demand for deliveries from Moscow to other major cities, such as Rostov-on-Don and St. Petersburg has increased. The main clients of the company are chain retailers and their suppliers, and the expansion of their trade networks had a positive effect on the operator’s activity.
In addition to automobile transportation, rail shipments are considered an important direction of FM Logistic. Here the increase in requests for transportation amounted to 40%. This result was achieved through the active development of the groupage cargo delivery sector. They are sent in small batches along the routes of Siberia and the Far East. First of all, this approach is focused on dry-food and non-food products.
Besides, the company is regularly improving its service approaches and optimizing internal processes in order to increase efficiency. One of such innovations was the use of routers for cargo transportation within the city. This approach has accelerated delivery within Moscow and the region.

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