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The Customs Service presented data on imports to Russia

data on imports to Russia

What goods were in demand: data on imports to Russia

The Federal Customs Service has summarized the results of the second half of the year and presented data on imports to Russia. The total value of goods imported into the country from non-CIS countries amounted to $121,551 million. This figure has increased by almost 29% compared to the same period in 2020. In December, the FCS amount was 0.7% less than it was in November.
Imports of chemical products showed a 3.6% decrease to $3,921 million. Goods related to the machine-building industry sagged by 1.8%, with a total value of $11,213 million. The country imported $2,225 million worth of food and raw materials for their production, down 0.6% from the previous period. As for textile and footwear, here imports increased by almost 15% and amounted to 1,171 million dollars.
In December this year, purchases of pharmaceutical products decreased by 13% compared to November. A downward trend in imports is also observed in the sector of polymers and rubbers, where purchases decreased by 4.5%. But products that belong to organic and inorganic chemistry were more popular, they were imported for the amount that is 10.5% more than the previous figures. Imports of soaps and detergents also increased by 1%, perfumes and cosmetics – by 0.7%.

In December Russia purchased 32% less aircraft than in November, the supply of railway locomotives decreased by almost 29% and land vehicles – by 1.4%. There is an increase in imports of ships and floating craft, in value terms their volume has doubled compared to the previous month. Also, optical devices, electrical and mechanical equipment turned out to be more in demand in the country. 
As for food, there was an almost 39% decrease in the supply of vegetables and 22% decrease in the supply of dairy products. Grain imports were 22% lower, as well as sugar, its purchases decreased by 16%. Fish was also not in demand, imports fell by more than 10%, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages fell by almost 4%.
Demand for vegetable oil has increased and in December it was bought 44.8% more than before. Supplies of fruit, tobacco and by-products increased.
Imported clothing and footwear were also a success, with purchases of the former growing by 18.8% and the latter by 43%.

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