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Romania introduces a state transport monitoring system

transport monitoring system

RO e-Transport transport monitoring system: features of the innovation

In Romania, a new transport monitoring system designed for road transport started operating. The RO e-Transport platform has been adopted at the national level, so companies will be fined if they do not use it.
The system was developed with the participation of the Ministry of Finance and Customs. It is focused on controlling the transportation of goods that are at tax risk. According to Romanian officials, RO e-Transport will increase the amount of taxes and revenues in the country’s budget. In addition, increased monitoring should help reduce cases of illegal trade in products imported into Romanian territory.
The system is mandatory for the following groups of goods:
– vegetables, food products, plants, which are labeled with codes beginning with 0701 and ending with 0714;
– fruit, citrus peel (0801-0814);
– various beverages, including alcoholic beverages and vinegar (codes 2201-2208);
– lime, soil, gypsum, salt, and other raw materials falling under codes from 2505 to 2517;
– clothing made of certain materials and accessories (6101-6117);
– footwear types, marked in codes from 6401 to 6405.

transport monitoring system RO e-Transport

The monitoring system is mandatory, and in case of violation of its norms, fines are supposed to be imposed. For companies, they amount to more than 20 thousand euros, and for individuals – about 10 thousand euros. Products that will not be entered into the register of the program will be subject to confiscation.
RO e-Transport must be used for shipments that take place within the country. Also, export shipments that start in Romania and go on through EU states are subject to control. The system is also applicable for imports, as well as for transit routes. In all these cases, the products must be registered in the system, after which they receive a unique ITU code. The carrier must have the code with him all the way through Romania, which can be checked by the relevant service at any time. When transporting goods, they must be listed in advance in the RO e-Transport system. It is possible to change the information entered, but only as long as the goods are outside Romania. Once the consignment has entered the country, it is forbidden to change the data.
The monitoring system has a number of exceptions, for example, shipments that are part of diplomatic programs or missions of international organizations do not need to be registered in it.
RO e-Transport shows the information on the carrier and the customer of the goods, the program displays data on the quantity and value of products, and their quality characteristics. Thus, the entire route of transportation of sensitive goods will be transparent and fully controlled by the state.

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