Visual cargo control: features of the system from a Lithuanian transport company
Girteka Logistics from Lithuania introduced a new system at the beginning of the year that provides real-time visual inspection of shipments. And this service is available to all customers, regardless of the size of the shipments they send.
Thanks to this solution, the client receives up-to-date information about the location of the vehicle carrying their goods free of charge. In addition, this service is integrated with other Visibility services from the company.
There are several ways to use the system:
– through a direct link, which is provided separately for each product;
– through a special functionality for partners on the Girteka website;
– thanks to the compatibility with Visibility, which makes it possible to manage those or other logistical steps.
In addition to these options, the client can choose a digital cargo transportation control service, which is available to clients after they enter into cooperation with the service provider.
According to Girteka representatives, the ability to control the movement of goods in real time increases the transparency of relations between the company and its clients. Moreover, the carrier does not change the quality level of its services depending on the volumes of transported cargo. For Girteka each partner is equally important.

Visual cargo monitoring is an effective tool for tracking and improving the supply chain. With it, the customer can identify problems and weaknesses in the transfer process and make timely changes in the organization of work. Girteka’s solution gives you the opportunity to learn a little bit more about the specifics of transport operations and, based on this knowledge, increase the efficiency of your operations.
The implementation of the new system is part of the digitalization strategy aimed at improving service. As part of this, Girteka is transitioning to a new platform that has extensive transport management capabilities. Whereas previously the company used its own TMS, now the company will use a product from software developer SAP.
The transport company Girteka Logistics was founded in 1996 and since then it has become one of the market leaders. Last year the business had a turnover of 1 billion euros, which is 5 percent more than in the previous period. Thanks to this, the company’s profitability has reached the level of pre-decision 2019. According to the CEO, this result is primarily due to the freight rates offered by Girteka. The rates at which the company provides services are lower than most of its competitors.
Last year Girteka increased its volume of intermodal transportation twice and continues such policy in the current period. According to official data, in 2021 over 16 thousand semi-trailers, fully loaded with various goods, were transported in the territory of the European Union. In total, they traveled a distance of about 15 million kilometers.